Monday, April 26, 2021

Response to First EOTO

     The first EOTO in class allowed me to learn facts about inventions I did not think much about before. Not to say that I took these inovations for granted, but I did not research their origins. During the presentations, we learned about the Facebook Dilemma. This was something out of my initial scope of knowledge, so hearing about it caught my attention. Facebook is a great platform to connect with people and learn about the world, but it has some fundamental problems. It's algorithm slowly learns as people use it to try to make a more accessible platform. Because of this, it can promote and push the wrong information. Firsthand, I have seen Facebook promote false information to countless people. There must be a way for the company to make sure that the information posted on their website is factual.

    As I was researching information on this topic, I ran into an interesting issue. When I used Google to learn about this dilemma, I had to search it in multiple different phrasings. I wanted to read articles about Facebook's issues, but I mainly found Facebook's own reports on frequently asked questions (shown below). It feels weird that this company would own everyone on the first page of these sources to indirectly not allow people to easily learn. It may not be the case, but it feels like Facebook is trying to hide slander about themselves. This became an extremely interesting topic and has opened my mind to possible theories about Facebook.

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