Sunday, April 4, 2021

Blog 1: Top News Sources

As of recently, Twitter has been my top news source. It has a myriad of sources within the platform, but I focus on first hand experiences shared on the platform. When major news is broadcasted across the country, some information is left out for production's sake. When I browse through Twitter, I balance professional news coverage with witness reports. I do not trust every citizen report, but I take the information I gather from all of them and come to a reasonable conclusion.

2) CNN

Out of all major news sources, I think I trust CNN the most. From my experiences, they have been the most reliable in terms of current important news. Other sources feel too biased for my liking, and even though CNN is too, it feels like it covers all ground. They show information that is relevent to the common people and evidence that major events are indeed taking place.

One of the reasons I appreciate Instagram as a news source is that my friends are very on top of the most recent events. Sometimes before I know about something that has happened in the world, I see that they post links to reliable sources of information. In addition, they post links to relief funds and helpful links during crises. Spreading information on Instagram is remarkably easy, but that is a double edged sword. False information can be spread at the same rate true can be. When looking for information, it is important to know which sources, and the people that post them, can be trusted. 

When I go on Youtube for news, I search for news in hobbies I am interested in. I use the above sources for worldly and political information, but I use Youtube to learn about activities I am interested in. I am on one of the Esports teams at HPU, so Youtube is a valuable source of knowledge for how to become a better player. I play a game called Overwatch, so I want to be on top of all the new information that is released. 

5) IGN

IGN is a major news source for video games. Being a video game enthusiast and game developer, I want to learn about all of the current gaming news. IGN stays very up to date with their information and is always posting about the new news. While I apprecite the constant news, their rating on games is sometimes questionable. Game reviewers are paid to review and write about games, so they are not the best players. Their ratings for games are based on players who are not that skilled at the game, so it is hard to trust their judgement on difficult games.

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