Thursday, April 29, 2021

Final Blog: Relatioship with AI

     Human advancements with technology have developed incredibly throughout history. Humans have started with stone tools and fire, which over thousands of years has turned into computers and electricity. When put in situations that require advancements, humans have stepped up to the plate to innovate. We have created transportation into the depths of space, ships to the deepest parts of the ocean, and technology to communicate with anyone on Earth. In modern society, we have developed a way for our technology to function on it's own and follow our programming. Artificial Intelligence is one of humanity's most impressive inventions, and also one of the most terrifying. 

    Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a computer to perform tasks closely related to that intelligent beings. We have created these programs to respond to our inputs and function on their own, depending on the circumstance. We have grown as a society and learned to utilize them to make our lives easier. Some of the most recognizable AI are Siri, Google, and Alexa. I have Siri on my iPhone, and I use it almost everyday. Being a responsive computer, Siri assists me in setting timers, calling people, and other useful tasks. These could all be done easily without a program, but I use Siri for the convenience. People have used some of these AI to optimize their houses as well. Some of my friends use Alexa to set the temperature in their house and lock the doors when they leave. AI have become integral parts in our daily lives.

    Some AI have helped us with our daily lives, but there are others that serve specfic functions and purposes. More advanced AI can learn from their experiences and, maybe someday in the future, think for themselves. AlphaZero is an AI that is the ultimate chess player. It can calculate the best possible move on every turn and knows how to win every game. When it played against another AI, Stockfish, it defeated it so completely that Stockfish forfeited. IStockfish knew that there were no more chances to win, so it gave up. This is just a small example of how powerful some AI can be. 

    In the future, humans may create Artificial Intelligence that can rival what we have predicted in sci-fi media, but honestly, I don't think that will be in our lifetime. When trying to create an AI that is self aware, we have to start with understanding everything there is to know about humans. To give a robot conscienceness, we first have to fully understand what it is. Conscienceness is such an abstract concept that it may be impossible to fully replicate it in an android. Even if we get close to it, it would probably end up in failure due to human error. To create a perfect AI, we have to eliminate all human error, which is impossible. As a video game designer, I have to code my game to make everything work fluidly, and if I, a human, write an incorrect line, it will cause my game to malfunction. If we have any errors in creating AI, the AI will behave unpredictably, which could be dangerous. 

    I would love to see fully responsive and self aware AI, but I think it is something I will not see in my lifetime. Technology still needs to develop for us to create what we want to. Our relationship with technology and knowing how it works can always be worked on. In a hypothetical scenario, once we have these AI that can think like humans, it might cause more chaos than good. It could cause ethical debates to accept androids as life if they can think for themselves and be self aware. It is a large issue, but it would be extremely interesting to think about. Technology allows us to live comfortably, and the use of AI is a tremendous addition.

More information as a presentation:

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Final Blog: Relatioship with AI

      Human advancements with technology have developed incredibly throughout history. Humans have started with stone tools and fire, which ...